For risk-minded treasurers, there’s

Definitely the friction of identifying who to work with and where to channel cash and investments to create impact. Some treasurers view community investments through the same risk framework that they use for all of their investments, while others acknowledge that it makes little sense to apply those same risk standards to low-income communities. It can be hard to know where to strike.

Confronting one-dimensional

Equity efforts within the investor community Transforming corporate America to look more like America will stimulate economic growth and accessibility for minority groups. By Antonio Pequeno IV April 21, 2021 dimensions Phone Number List conceptual image In the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, hundreds of U.S. companies produced statements decrying racism and promoting equity and inclusion.

But how many made concrete step

Toward their goals? And for those that did, how can they show investors the commitments paid off? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness DW Leads are the ideals America needs to aspire toward, Marvin Owens, chief engagement officer at Impact Shares, said last week during a GreenFin 21 panel discussion.

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