The Contracting Body must interpret the confusing clauses maintained. The governing bidding documents. In accordance with the principle of equality. Focused on guaranteeing concurrence in the procedure and in a favorable, manner for the bidders, since they are not responsible. of the ambiguity in the configuration of the advertisements and the specifications. Thus, among others, in Resolution /, of April , the Administrative Court of Contractual, Resources of the Junta de Andalucía, has already ruled that the specifications constitute the law of the contract as an expression of the general principles essential provisions that govern the relationships born from the convention of wills and in their interpretation it is possible the supplementary application of the rules of the Civil Code on interpretation of contracts.
In accordance with very reiterated
The specifications constitute the law of the contract as an expression of the essential general principles that govern the relationships born of the convention of wills and in its interpretation it is possible the UK Mobile Database supplementary application of the rules of the Civil Code on interpretation of contracts. Whose article states that. The interpretation of the obscure clauses of a contract must not favor the party that has caused the darkness.” Therefore, any obscurity. Contradiction that exists in the governing documents of the tender in question must be interpret in favor of the bidders. The weaker party, who undoubtedly cannot blame the error or lack of clarity incurr by the tender. Acting administration. Which would make the general prohibition of repetition of regularizations sterile and illusory.
It is precise as no responsibility is appreciated Obscure clauses
This novelty must refer to supervening events or circumstances. Alter to some extent relevant to the determination of the tax in question the preceding status quo under which the limit verification of articles et seq. LGT was out (EDL /) , but not to the facts that the Administration Algeria Phone Number List discovers ex novo because in the second procedure. It would have made more efforts or would have investigated in greater depth. Since this is not the sense in which the provision can be interpreted. Since it grants a right to potential taxpayers establishing for them the protection that two successive procedures on the same object.