Theories of the Origin of Life Back and forth

Helen Hansma, in her recent article “ DNA and the origins of life in micaceous clay ” (by clicking the link you can download it for free) defends that Illite.  A micaceous clay , must have been the place where life on Earth was synthesized for the first time. . Illite turns out to be Theories the Origin abundant in sediments , soils , sedimentary clay rocks, and metamorphic rocks. Novelty? only in part! And I would say rather little: Has Helen read Alexander’s much earlier research? After carefully reviewing the original article it appears that it is not! because misery ! Of course, her unconditional love for Nadrian Seeman , one of the fathers of the type of microscopy she used in her study, seems infinite.

The literature that Hellen cites is very recent

too recent, for such a debated and important topic in scientific literature. This disregard for the antecedents is irritating and serious, being reprehensible by the philosophy of science and the most accepted canons of the scientific method . Helen points out that it must have been a specific New Zealand WhatsApp Number Data type of clay. Ruling out montmorillonite , another structurally very similar one. Well, in the event that Alexander had defended or proposed montmorillonite as the main candidate (I don’t remember). Then the article should have had a title similar to “The Origin of Life arose from Illite, not from montmorillonite.” However, if he did not refer to a specific type. It would be appropriate to head the manuscript with a sentence like this: “New evidence that the origin of life” could “have arisen within a micaceous clay. rocks in the soil environment.

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There are argumentative reasons to think that the origins

The primordial protosoils . However, paraphrasing another saying. Facts are love, not good reasons.” And in this way, various conjectures have been proposed about the Costa Rica WhatsApp Number List origin of life that run through, not only the different natural resources , but also the cosmological ones . Consequently, nothing has changed since I wrote the post: On the Possible Origins of Life (Between Jaimito and Mafalda) . Four collateral, but important aspects, we must remember here . (i) correct and specific bibliographic references regarding the topic addressed are inexcusable in the writing of a scientific article; (ii) Hypotheses, conjectures or alternative theories must be detailed (iii) Extraneous merits must not be attributed since this results in scientific malpractice.


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