The poster does not correctly identify or report the use of cameras

This type of poster must have content that is regulated by regulations. Furthermore, the cameras record sound and, due to their location, the principles of data limitation or minimization are not respected. The company at no time collects the consent of the people who are recorded to capture their image, their voice and process said personal data.The GDPR continues to be the regulation, worldwide, that best protects the fundamental right of each individual to decide about their personal data. We already explained in this article the new developments that the RGPD represented compared to the legislation prior to 2018 on data protection in Spain and Europe. 5 years have passed since May 25, 2018, when the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became fully mandatory. And, although it is old, the GDPR is by no means vintage.

As it has allowed a series of updates and rules

That we will detail below and that also help protect our personal data. Cookies, those technologies that store our data The most recent “Guide on the use of cookies” edited by the Spanish Data Protection Agency is from July 2020. It is important that you download it and take it into account. Among other things, you recognize that “continue browsing” is not a sign of express acceptance of cookies on a website. And it Oman WhatsApp Data also indicates that non-technical cookies can only be downloaded if the user expressly accepts this. We recommend that you check the cookie notice banner on your website. If it continues to say something like “…if you continue browsing we understand that you accept our cookies”, then it does not comply with the regulations. You have to modify it as soon as possible.

Whatsapp Data

In this article we explain how to make your website

Compliant regarding cookies. No agreement supporting international data transfers. It was in July 2020 when the Court of Justice of the European Union repealed the Privacy Shield . It was the agreement between the EU and the US that allowed transfers of personal data of European citizens. To American UK WhatsApp Number List companies covered by said agreement. Since that date, it has become very difficult to transfer personal data from European users to companies in the United States in compliance with the Law that affects us (the RGPD). Many companies, especially the large American technology companies, have not respected this and the sanctions have been imposed.