Server errors & DNS errors

Under url errors, google again lists server errors and dns errors, the same sections in the site errors report. Google’s direction is to handle these in the same way you would handle the site errors level of the server and dns errors, so refer to those two sections above.

They would differ in the url errors section if the errors were only affecting individual urls and not the site as a whole. If you have isolated configurations for individual urls.

Now That You’re the Expert on These Url Errors

I’ve created this handy url error table that you can print out and tape to your desktop or bathroom mirror. Conclusion I get it — some of this technical seo stuff can bore you to tears. Nobody wants to individually inspect seemingly unimportant url errors, or conversely. With experience and repetition, however, you will Special Trade Contractors Email List gain the mental muscle memory of knowing how to react to the errors: which are important and which can be safely ignored. It’ll be second nature pretty soon.

If You Haven’t Already

I encourage you to read up on google’s official DW Leads documentation for search console, and keep these urls handy for future questions:

Webmaster central help forum
Webmaster central faqs: crawling, indexing, & ranking
We’re simply covering the crawl errors section of search console. Search console is a data beast on its own, so for further reading on how to make best use of this tool in its entirety.