Or writing that cookbook you’ve been putting

It’s never been harder to be a content creator It’s a dark wasteland for many bloggers right now. I’ve been a search marketing professional for nearly 25 years. And yet, I’m no better today at consoling a blogger or site owner who has lost their livelihood. Although you can recover from Google’s core and helpful content updates, it’s not a quick fix. It takes several months and a clear effort to communicate to Google that you are writing for humans, not robots. But you can do it. Focus on the takeaways above. Always put the user front and center. The site you save will be your own.

Remove the new niche content

Now is the time to consider optimizing for a knowledge panel. Or writing that cookbook you’ve been putting off. Or, just getting over your insecurities and DB to Data finding a podcast to tell your story. Bottom line: We cannot be experts in all niches. If you are suffering traffic losses, now is the time to go back to what you know and what Google was initially using to rank you. , or move the new niche content to a completely new domain. Also, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, they always say. Make it impossible to be ignored. Be your own cheerleader and build up external mentions to your site to reinforce your E-E-A-T.

About page and brag to all that will hear

That site is down 52% since the update. Most content published in the last 18 months no longer ranks competitively. Finally, and most importantly, work to elevate your DW Leads individual expertise. It’s not enough these days to say you are good at something. You must show it. Rewrite that , “Hey, I’m really damn good, and this is why you should trust my content.” You also need to look externally for cheerleaders. From podcasts and interviews to past clients and existing fans, milk all of them for whatever visible examples of expertise you can show.