Microplastics soil microorganisms and their humidity

At the time of writing this post, serious pellet pollution has occurred on the Spanish coast . The authorities. Several days later, still insist that it is not clear that they affect health. Lack of evidence. Meanwhile. A researcher who works on the subject declares: “When I heard that pellets were not dangerous, I shook my head. There is more news, but I have received one that addresses the effect of microplastics on soil biota. Including its repercussions depending on soil moisture . Our politicians, like multinationals. Lie more than they speak or possibly are poorly advised and hide evidence in order to avoid social alarms. According to them. However, in the end everything comes to light and they are the ones who shoot themselves in the foot. Jeopardizing their political careers, that is.

According to new research published

Studying soil samples mixed with microplastics under different conditions, researchers found that when the soil is well watered. Toxic chemicals from microplastics can leach into the soil and hinder the soil ‘s fungal richness . However, with dry soil, leaching of water-extractable chemicals is less pronounced and therefore has less Iran WhatsApp Number Data impact on soil fungal structure . The researchers also noted that in dry conditions, microplastics help soil retain water longer. Which could help mitigate the effects of drought . While this could be considered a desirable scenario, these interactions imply complex challenges for land management.

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Depending on drought conditions with consequences

Journal information: Environmental Microbiology Scientific publication summary Microplastic fibers affect soil fungal UK WhatsApp Number List communities depending on drought conditions, with consequences for ecosystem functions M. Lozano, First publication. Microplastics affect soil functions depending on drought conditions . However, how their combined effect influences soil fungi and their links to ecosystem functions is still unknown. To address this, we used rhizosphere soil from a previous experiment in which we employed the addition of microplastic fibers and drought in a factorial design, and evaluated their effects on soil fungal communities.