Here’s How We’re Using Lean Startup Methodologies for Local Seo

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Product and project management is a critical part of managing any business based on seo; it’s also something that doesn’t get discussed nearly as much as seo in professional circles. For me, I care equally about how our internal process are working versus how our seo services are performing, primarily because they can’t be separated.

If Your Internal Processes Suck

Your products and services are likely going to be heavily burdened by that fact. Conversely, great internal processes will likely be a huge boon to your business by enabling you to deliver on your seo engagements. Before we get too deep into that, you should know I am a big believer in lean startup methodologies. So, if you want to model any part of Nondepository Credit Institutions Email List our internal processes in your own businesses, I would highly recommend reading the lean startup as some light background reading while you ponder how to implement any of this stuff.

Backgroundso Let’s Talk About Our Lean Startup Process Real

Fast before we go over the ideas that inspired it. We DW Leads utilize a process called scrum that I’m sure many of you are familiar with (and many probably aren’t). The way we leverage scrum is two-fold:

We have daily scrum meetings – these are primarily about fostering a group dynamic in a remote working environment, creating a shared sense of accountability, and eliminating road blocks. Moving from weekly to daily scrums was actually suggested by team members to help them prioritize; we haven’t looked back.