The calculation of procedural time is the system used to measure legal deadlines, whether by hours, days, months or years. However, there are some issues in this sensitive matter that must be clarified. II.-Legal regime In the administrative for the Administration process. The calculation of deadlines is governed by the provisions of article of Law /, of October , on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations (LPAC). Regarding the contentious-administrative route. Said calculation is stipulated in article of Law , of July , regulating the Contentious-administrative Jurisdiction (LJCA) . The deadlines in the administrative process Article. Fourth section of the LPAC, stipulates that if the term is set in months or years. These will begin to count from the day following the day on which the notification.
The calculation of the term it will be considered
The General Administration of the State and the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities will determine – subject to the official work calendar – for the purposes of calculating deadlines, the calendar of non-working days. This calendar will have to India Telegram Number Data be published before the beginning of each year in the corresponding official newspaper. As well as in other media to guarantee its widespread knowledge. Finally, with respect to the calculation of deadlines in electronic records. The LPAC indicates that their operation will make it possible for the presentation of documents to be carried.
It is worth mentioning the Judgment
In the most recent of October he has denied that the month of August is a non-working month for these purposes, stating that is true that Nigeria Telegram Number List such precepts [article of the LEC , in relation to of the LOPJ ] point out that the month of August is a non-working day but it is also true that they refer to judicial proceedings, the appellant ignoring that the appeal in the economic-administrative field is not a judicial action, but an administrative appeal, which is why the precepts invoked by the appellant are not applicable, and therefore the calculation of the deadlines provided for in article of Law / must be taken into account, where after not indicate the invalid nature of the month of August.