Few Sites Will Always Link to You the Same Way

To ensure you’re building a natural link portfolio, it’s important to keep track of how sites link to your content. You’ll learn if you’re earning a mix of dofollow links, nofollow links, cocitation links, and brand mentions for each campaign. We pay close attention to which types of links our campaigns earn. Looking back at these data, we noticed that publishers don’t consistently link the same way.

The chart below shows a sample of how 15 high-authority news sites have linked to our campaigns. As you can see, few sites have given dofollow links 100 percent of the time. Based on this, we can assume that a lot of top sites don’t have a set editorial standard for link types (although plenty of sites will only give nofollow links).

While Getting a Site to Cover Your Content is

Something to be celebrated, not every placement will result in a dofollow link. And just because you get a dofollow link from a site once doesn’t mean you should always expect that type of link from that publisher. Creating a lot of visual assets is a waste of time in certain verticals. There’s an ongoing debate within fractl’s walls over whether or not creating a lot of visual assets positively impacts a campaign’s reach enough to justify the additional production time.

Therfor settle this debate, we looked at our 1,300 top place ments to better Colleges Universities Email List understand how publishers covered our campaigns’ visual assets (including both static image and video). This sample was limited to articles on websites with a da of 70 or higher that covered our work at least four times.

We Found That Publishers in Different Verticals

Colleges Universities Email List

Had divergent tendencies regarding visual asset DW Leads coverage. The most image-heavy vertical was entertainment, and the least was education.Some of the variation in asset counts is based on how many assets were included in the campaign. Although this does skew our data, we do receive useful information from this analysis.

The fact that top entertainment publishers used an average of nine assets when they cover our campaigns indicates a high tolerance for visual content from outside sources. Verticals with lower asset averages may be wary of external content or simply prefer to use a few key visuals to flesh out an article.