Unfair competition: Deceptive acts and omissions against consumers

We publish interesting article by Ms. Victoria Hernández Turiel. Lawyer and Political Scientist. Specialist in new technology law. She is an expert in data protection. Electronic commerce and intellectual and industrial property. This article explains what misleading acts and omissions consist of as practices of unfair Unfair competition competition with consumers. Reviewing both concepts and their classification. Along with the modification of the scope of application and the double procedural regime (civil and administrative consumer sanctions). Some examples of misleading acts and omissions in consumer matters are offered. Introductory notes On the occasion of the transposition into. The domestic legal system of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council.

Relating to unfair commercial practices of companies

The internal market (Directive on unfair commercial practices), Law of December , was approved. Which modifies the legal regime of unfair Unfair Malaysia Telegram Number Data competition competition and advertising to improve the protection of consumers and users . Law modified four laws of the Spanish legal system: Law , on Unfair Competition, of January , hereinafter, LCD, (introducing changes to articles and relating to the general disloyalty clause and misleading omissions, respectively); the General Consumer Defense Law approved by Royal Legislative Decree  of November.

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Classification of prohibited conduct in consumer Unfair competition

As a consequence of the above, the CCAA cannot make use of their own exclusive competence to regulate the consumer protection Iran Telegram Number List regime, and there is no prohibition of unfair commercial practices by the autonomies. Likewise, the state legislator cannot increase the number of prohibitive provisions in this regard due to the impediment of Directive Despite the rule of exhaustion of the classification of prohibited conduct, the law declares three cases compatible with the new regime. Firstly, specific regulation for “reasons unrelated.

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