Are they important?

Like DNS errors, a server error is extremely urgent. It’s a fundamental error, and harms your site overall. You should take immediate action if you see server errors in Search Console for your site.

Making sure the Googlebot can connect to the DNS is an important first step, but you won’t get much further if your website doesn’t actually show up. If you’re running into server errors, the Googlebot won’t be able to find anything to crawl and it will give up after a certain amount of time.

How to fix

In the event that your website is running fine at the time you encounter this error, that may mean there were server errors in the past Though this error may have been resolved for now, you should still make some changes to prevent it from happening again.

This is Google’s official direction for fixing server errors:

“Use Fetch as Google to check if Googlebot can currently crawl your site. If Fetch as Google returns the content of your homepage without problems, you can assume that Google is generally able to access your site properly.”
Before you can fix your server errors issue, you Apparel and Clothing Manufacturers Email List need to diagnose specifically which type of server error you’re getting, since there are many types:

Addressing how to fix each of these is

Beyond the scope of this article, but you DW Leads should reference Google Search Console help to diagnose specific errors.

C) Robots failure
A Robots failure means that the Googlebot cannot retrieve your robots.txt file, located at []/robots.txt.

What they mean
One of the most surprising things about a robots.txt file is that it’s only necessary if you don’t want Google to crawl certain pages.

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