Adding in the Data Required Means That on Load

We don’t have to make an ajax call to get the initial data required. Instead, we can bundle that in too, so we get something that can render content instantly as well. As an example of this, let’s think of a weather app. Now, the basic model would be that we send the user all the content to show a basic version of our app, but not the data to say what the weather is.

As an Example of This

Let’s think of a weather app. Now, the basic Apparel and Clothing Manufacturers Email List model would be that we send the user all the content to show a basic version of our app, but not the data to say what the weather is. In this modified version, we also send along what today’s weather is, but for any subsequent data request, we then go to the server with an ajax call.

This Means We Still Deliver Content

That google et al can index, without DW Leads possible issues from our ajax calls failing. From google and the user’s perspective, we’re just delivering a very high-performance initial load, then registering service workers to give faster experiences for every subsequent page and possibly extra functionality.