Abundance biomass and number of individuals on Earth

Today we show you the results of a bibliographic study that proposes answering the question that gives rise to the title of this post. These types of investigations attract a lot of attention from the audience. Which is why the figures they usually present are spectacular . Other similar Abundance biomass analyzes have been done for other taxonomic groups and the results are usually impressive. Consequently, they are widely cited . Any expert will doubt these types of figures, however, they are useful in order to attract the attention of the public or when presenting (introductions) more specific research about the object/taxon of study

Someone gave such a figure

It does not seem that such a stupid experiment was repeated. Since it depends on the type of soil and many other factors. But if you search on the Internet Of course, at the moment we don’t even know the number of species , The habits of the majority, the amount of soil they renovate, etc. Therefore, I refer you to smile with this science of güines . The authors have Argentina Mobile Number Database carried out an intensive bibliographic study.  That is, more than selected publications. Now, rest assured that in a few years others will be published with significantly larger figures. hich will those offered in the past and present.

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It should be remembered that not all species

Renew the same amount of soil, and can suffer considerable interannual variations among various other factors. Not all species of ants live in the soil either. In short, I already called this type of research “ The Science of Guinness. ” Read this preview of figures: the world population of ants is x to the power of , that is, quadrillion animals. That is a with zeros. Which is difficult to El-Salvador Phone Number List understand and appreciate It becomes clearer when the biomass of the animals is calculated. This is equivalent to megatons of carbon. “That exceeds the combined biomass of wild birds and mammals and corresponds to around percent of humanity’s biomass.