Many companies are forc to do something with social mia due to the rapid developments and the enormous number of users. The only question is what? They often open a Twitter or Facebook account. And sometimes even start a weblog. In most cases, they do this for the wrong reasons. For example, because other companies do it too or because an expert has told them that they really can’t do without it anymore.
We also notice this in our masterclasses. A large group of people and companies realize that ignoring social mia is no longer a serious option, costa rica phone number list but do not know exactly what to do – and more importantly: how to do it. There is also scepticism because of the large number of experts who shout a lot and loudly, but are not able to explain what social mia is, how you can/should use it and what it could possibly yield.
Social mia as a strategy
radio, outdoor or print, are nothing more than means. Means that should never be seen as a goal in themselves, but should always contribute to the realization of a higher goal, namely the business and marketing objectives .
From objectives to means
If you really want to make the use of social mia successful, it is important to first look at the company objectives. Once a suitable protected publications vs. patent applications strategy has been develop for this, you will look at what role marketing can play in this whole. Then a marketing strategy must be develop, including matching objectives. Only when this has been done, is it time to look at which resources are suitable to ensure that these objectives can also be achiev.
Only when we know what the business
marketing objectives are and have formulat a suitable strategy with clear What to do with (SMART) objectives, we will look at the mix lob directory of resources. If it is now conclud that various social mia channels are suitable for achieving these objectives, we will look at how we can use them in a strategic way, with matching objectives. It could therefore also be the case that in certain cases it must be decid not to use social mia.