We also notice this in our masterclasses

The purpose of this article is not to explain how to successfully integrate social mia into your marketing mix, but to make it clear that the use of social mia should never become a goal in itself. They are means that serve a higher purpose. That is why I will go into more detail about the social mia cycle and the integration of social mia into the marketing mix in one of our next articles.

Last week I wrote the article

Counting down together online with the Geiger Counter Tokyo ‘, in which I once again emphasiz the thin line between information and  cyprus phone number listsensation . I found it scary that thousands of people were watching an increasing Geiger Counter at the same time. That it can be done differently is shown by a number of other initiatives. Initiatives that were start by concern citizens.

Marian Steinbach offers an almost real-time

A every 10 minutes) download of the available data on her weblog . Marian provides motivation: “ People around the world are concern about the level of radiation in Japan due to major damages on the Fukushima Daiishi nuclear power plant. The Ministry of ucation,  . We also notice  Culture, Sports, Science  lob directory  and Technology (MEXT) of Japan publishes real time radiation measurement data acquir by the “System for Priction of Environment Emergency Dose Information” (SPEI). However ip analytics in modern business , these measurements publish by the Japanese administration are not very accessible to the public. Raw data cannot be access.

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