This short series of posts is the one that is the most difficult for me to write. As it was also the most difficult to understand. I apologize in advance as it may offend sensitivities. Although that is precisely what I am trying to avoid. I would like the majority of citizens and agents involved to understand the constructive message. However, suspicions are almost inevitable in these matters. Unfortunately. Here we go with the first post. I also hope the Green Deal that it is read from Spanish-speaking countries. Since they suffer similar situations. The links to the news that I link below will be more or less the same in all the posts. Please keep this in mind. I want you to have this documentation from the beginning. Of course, like any mortal. My mind is biased by ideology. I do not doubt it, nor do I try to be as objective as possible in the face of this limitation. Again “my sincere apologies.
From what I have read so far
I have spent several days and too many hours. The economic crisis that affects farmers is simply outrageous . and, “in principle. They have every reason to protest, at least in general .” The discomfort has not been the response to a Poland Mobile Number Database recent situation, but rather they have been complaining for a long time . When producing a certain food product and putting it on sale costs farmers. To give a virtual example, euro and is marketed to consumers for or , it speaks very badly of the law of the food chain that currently governs. in Europe, or at least its application . There are many, too many farmers who sell at a “loss. Meaning that , in the long run. They will have to close their businesses and properties.
That some countries throw away
Generates indignation in the affected citizens and, as a corollary, resentments that should never occur, since they give rise to anti-European (or anti-community) attitudes. I am convinced that political-ideological interests are hidden behind the door. I would tell the European agricultural world that it is the worst way out of the France Phone Number List anguish that, if not all of them, a good part of them suffer . And this is where the title of this first post comes from: “ Unity is strength ” versus “ divide and conquer .” This is the opposite strategy to the one that the author (Robert Wright), defender of economic globalization, defended in his classic book “ No One Loses: Game Theory and the Logic of Human Destiny.