The behavior of the group of people studied

Of the heavy users of social media, 22% are on Facebook, 12% on Hyves, 17% on LinkedIn and 4% on Twitter. 3 of these social sites are ‘hedonistic’ (set up for personal pleasure); only 1 has an explicit professional function and is used for searching for work and employees. In line with this 3:1 ratio, statistics show that ease of use is more important to generation Y than the information on a site. Only the form on social media is different from that on the corporate site. Moreover, one platform is not the same as the other. People who are looking for work are more likely to use LinkedIn, but those who want to know something about a potential employer will find more valuable information on Facebook.

A  on the social media used is also predominantly passive. There is a lot of watching and less doing. As an organization, you must therefore continue to denmark phone number list  provide information, also on social media. You must above all make it easy for people (also on the corporate site). And that fits within the general trend on the internet and digital services. Incidentally, it did not come as a surprise that LinkedIn is the most important platform for HRM’ers.

No-nonsense recruitment: Manpower

Radi Jaarsma of Manpower confirms the trend towards convenience and task-orientation in digital recruitment, based on the performance of the new Manpower recruitment site that replaced the ‘do the mnpwr test’ site. The latter served as bad practice . In this, the (marketing communication) concept was leading, the site relied heavily on both fun and Flash, the site did not work on certain mobile phones – because of Flash – the site was difficult or impossible to bookmark, difficult to optimize for search  lob directory  engines, and -last but not least- it offered poor support for visitors who wanted to apply(!).

Too much frills. Jaarsma’s story

A about the new site (and, if you like, best practice) was therefore entitled “recruiting without frills”.

The problems in digital recruitment communication show an eerie similarity   . The behavior of the  to those in digita l  patent invalidation search: guided communication and service provision in a broader sense. Jaarsma, however, puts the impact of social media into perspective at the moment, because his figures show that dealing effectively with AdWords yields much more.

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