Good initiatives that help to gain a better insight

From the data that Marian is now disseminating, several initiatives have emerg, Geir Endahl has creat a Radiation Map and Eron Villarreal has built a graph per prefecture.

Another initiative is RDTN , to which Japanese people can send their own radiation data. For just under 200 dollars, Japanese people can buy their own Geiger Counter Kit and share this data with the rest of the world. Also read Japanese crowdsource radiation measurements on Bright.

Pachube, the best-known platform for

A sharing data originating from the Internet of Things, has also start a community around radiation data . They call on all .jp users to czech republic phone number list  provide their radiation data: “Calling all .jp users – distribut radiation sensing & geiger counters” . In any case, more information is collect and shown than the official International Atomic Energy Agency distributes. An excellent case, which once again demonstrates the power of the crowd.

On Thursday 17 March, the eHRM congress of Emerce took place in Amsterdam . Anyone who has read or heard something here and there about The New Way of Working, Web 2.0, Social Mia, Civil Servant 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, social intranet and so on, can draw various parallels between eHRM and these innovation ‘brands’: they all have the digitalising (work) environment as their main motive and the way in which people as a professional group deal with it professionally.Most of the speeches were about (recruitment and applying for jobs with and without) social mia . Here and there a sparkling or stimulating insight sound into what the consequences of the “e” are in all the changes of today. Some impressions that lead to some questions.

Model and statistics: University of Twente

It is well known that much has been said and is being said about social mia –  . Good initiatives that  also in relation to recruitment and employment communication. But what about the use of social mia by, for example, potential candidates? That question was answer by science. Martijn maximizing google ads efficiency  van Velzen, researcher at the University of Twente, kick off the day by laying a foundation for policy: a social mia model and some statistics. The final report  lob directory  of his research, conduct among 225 young highly ucat people, will be publish in May 2011.


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