Many companies think that if a webcare team is set up, it is all good. Webcare is just a band-aid on the bleeding wound. It should be kept in mind that social media (monitoring) is part of the whole. So first make sure that your product or service is in order. In addition, people must be freed up for it, which is a larger cost item than the tool itself.
Of the monitored expressions, roughly 10 to 15% must actually be picked up. Only facts must be addressed. Opinions and emotions are part of social media, but do not require a response one by one.
Not all companies can be monitored easily
Because it concerns keywords, companies that have an everyday word as a company name, such as ‘Ben’, ‘Hi’ chile phone number list and ‘’, are more difficult to monitor. Other relevant and negative search terms offer a solution. Incidentally, something to keep in mind when choosing your company name.
Centraal Beheer Achmea has been a customer of Buzzcapture for several months now and Matthijs Algra ( @matthijsalgra ) from Centraal Beheer Achmea came to share his findings with social media and Buzzcapture.
He stated that basic knowledge of social media within the company is very important. Within a few weeks, all departments were told about social media, starting with the departments closest to the consumer. Employees are given guidelines , not rules. So nothing is imposed, but asked to respond as they would to a customer on the phone.
Social media not as a sales channel
The next important point of the presentation was that social media is not suitable as a . From theory to direct lob directory sales channel. With Direct Marketing you buy attention, with social media you earn attention. That was the bottom line.
No direct sales channel then. Why does CBA use social media? To gain insight into the customer. However, ensuring legal compliance for ai inventions CBA is not yet at the point where they can link social media activities to their CRM system.
Start in phases
At Centraal Beheer Achmea, we started by convincing the Management Team. When asked the final question,