Communicating in B2B successfully


Often when thinking about the world of B2B we think of a group of factories or small businesses that need to build a “cold” communication aimed at promoting the characteristics of their products and company capabilities in order to gain the trust of their prospects in an attempt to turn them into customers.

It is a preconception to think that B2B communication must be institutional, technical and aimed at a specific niche of people , while it is normal to consider B2C communication more creative, differentiated based on the target audience, and based on the use of emotional images and storytelling. But is it really like this?

Now in B2B communication is facing a phase of great change and is developing new paradigms to become more effective.

H2H communication is born

Let’s start from the concept that even turkey phone number list in B2B the protagonists of every business interaction are people . From this idea the concept of H2H (Human – To – Human) was born and becomes one of the most influential decision-making factors in the process that leads to the generation of relationships between companies.

In B2B, communication must speak to people, the real interlocutors of the purchasing process. The recipients of our messages are people like in the B2C market, with the only difference that they buy for others and not for themselves.

It follows that companies need to tell and communicate

B2B communication that speaks to people

If companies have to talk to people, their communication will also have to become more empathetic . Therefore, understanding jeffrey smith director of customer experience Communicating in B2B the needs, doubts, problems, tasks to be completed, and fears of the person we are addressing becomes of fundamental importance for the construction of communication messages that can “reflect” and satisfy the customer’s thinking.

Companies that want to communicate in B2B must first focus not on the technical characteristics of their product, but carry out a careful analysis of the target to which they will direct their communication.

To do this there are a series of fundamental tools such as;

Only by becoming aware of the target will it be possible to construct communication messages and choose suitable tools.

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